코드커팅 4

Cord-Cutting to Reduce Pay TV to Just 38 Percent of U.S. Households by 2027, PwC Forecasts (2027년까지 미가계의 38% paytv를 감소시킬것이다.(OHJ)

And the number of U.S. pay TV homes will further drop to 49.9 million homes in 2027, the accounting firm's annual report predicts. Despite challenges, the global media and entertainment market grew in 2022, although at a slower pace than in 2021, with gains projected in the coming years. Subscription streaming video growth “stuttered” though last year and will slow over the next five years, even..

Cord-Cutting Claimed Another 1.7 Million Cable Customers in Q2. Here's What Investors Need to Know. 170만 코드커팅 (OHJ)

Written by James Brumley for The Motley Fool -> Cable television companies are still losing customers... in droves.케이블 tv 회사는 여전히 가입자가 떼로 빠지고 있다. That's the big takeaway from last quarter's fiscal results for the industry, anyway. All told, another 1.7 million people in the U.S. cut the cord during the second quarter. The contraction hasn't altered its pace since before, during, and now after th..
