
분할된 로열티[divided royalty]

링마이벨 2024. 2. 16. 19:14

A BEAUTIFUL, silk-swathed princess reclines in a grand glass cage, festooned 꽃줄 with roses and jasmine, carried aloft by 20 shuffling courtiers. On horseback sits her bare-chested groom, escorted by a marching band and the rag-tag force of the once all-powerful Sultan of Solo. Standards waving and trumpets blaring, the wedding procession winds around the grand white walls of Solo's Kraton (palace), home to a royal family that has sat at the apex of Indonesia's cultural, spiritual and political life. Solo's divine line of kings has played a key role in Indonesia's colonial rule, the independence struggle and recent politics. Manipulated by the colonial Dutch, then outmanoeuvred by President Soeharto — who took several of the sultan's sacred relics to boost his spiritual power — the court of Solo has fallen on hard times, riven by a bitter succession battle between two crown princes.

This wedding of the new Sultan's eldest daughter is the grandest event Solo — the cultural hub of Indonesia — has seen in a decade, a ceremony the palace hopes can inspire a populace distressed by the conflict within.

On display are thousands of years of power, culture and tradition, but behind the golden facade is an ancient court battling for survival and relevance in a modernising land.

For the first time, the royal who runs the Kraton, Princess Koes Martiyah, has spoken out against the rival clan headed by her eldest sister, Princess Ratu Alit, that has attempted to overturn the succession of Sultan Paku Buwono Hangabehi the 13th.

The rivals, who scoff at Hangabehi's poor education and playboy reputation, claim his half-brother, army officer Prince Tedjowoelan, is the rightful heir.

Martiyah, the king's sister, tells The Age that the rivals will be expelled from the family and Tedjowoelan will never be buried in the Kraton's sacred ground.

A month ago, Tedjowoelan and hundreds of supporters stormed the Kraton on the anniversary of Hangabehi's coronation.

After forcing open the ancient teak gates, they were halted by truckloads of local police. Royals, who usually project calm and serenity, descended into shoving and spitting.

Tedjowoelan vows he "will not give up struggling. A president is elected by his people, I was elected by the big family. Out of 35 children of Paku Buwono the 12th, 24 children supported me. Democracy has entered the Kraton of Solo; we have to accept it.

"What happened on August 29 was just a lesson for Hangabehi. I wanted to tell him that a man is not above everything. The Kraton is just an institution; what matters is the man who leads it."

Martiyah scowls at Tedjowoelan's name. "Those who are in defiance of the king or the Kraton should be punished, they should be expelled from our family. What is done by Tedjowoelan and my other relatives is a crime against the Kraton and the king."

If the prince does not apologise "he will be expelled from the family. He will not even be allowed to be buried in the royal cemetery."

Solo's police chief presided over peace talks between the brothers after Tedjowoelan staged a seven-hour sit-in on August 29.

Hangabehi gave his brother a year to consider his "mistake" before carrying out his expulsion.

Tedjowoelan says the pair's 45-minute conversation reached no conclusion.

"I explained to him what the Kraton needs to face the modern world. He said I can meet him any time, but the reality is different. His supporters, sisters, try very hard to stop me from seeing him, fearing me influencing him to give up the throne."

Hangabehi lacks substance and spiritual and mental strength, and "has no capability as a Kraton king to cope with future challenges", Tedjowoelan says.

History professor Djoko Suryo attributes the conflict to the fact that the late Sultan "had many wives but no first lady". Although Hangabehi is the eldest son, his father did not nominate a successor or name any of his six wives as his favourite and many of Solo's educated and business elite favour the more modern Tedjowoelan.

Solo's god-king is traditionally the most powerful in the land, with a spiritual lineage pre-dating any church's arrival. Although the royals are Muslim, which forbids idolatry, "this is Java", the princess says, and spiritual strength emanates from the Kraton.

Aside from three wives in the physical world, the Sultan is also betrothed to the spirit-queen of the sea, climbing a tall white tower inside the Kraton each year to service her needs in a private bedchamber.

Soeharto, who ruled Indonesia with an iron fist for more than 30 years, coveted the mystical powers of Solo's Sultan. He even married into the fringes of the royal family.

"He borrowed 11 heirlooms for his spiritual strength," Martiyah says. "However, my father was disappointed because he did not receive an equal treatment from Soeharto after what he did for him."

Djoko says that unlike Indonesia's other leading royal, the neighbouring Sultan of Yogyakarta, Solo's Sultan has not been appointed regional governor and accorded political power.

"It's related to the history of the fight for Indonesia, the Sultan of Yogyakarta declared support and sheltered guerillas in his Kraton while Solo hesitated," he says.

Weakened politically and economically, the Solo royals have resorted to selling titles and heirlooms.

The prestige of the royal family is still highly valued. Leading Indonesians line up to receive Solo titles, including former military chief Wiranto and ex-president Abdurrahman Wahid.

Rigid hierarchies still inhabit the Kraton. For the weekend's wedding the young groom and other participants waddle, squatting, into the grand reception hall to ensure their heads do not rise above the Sultan's. Outside sit more than a hundred wizened courtiers, too lowly to inhabit the same room. All move with slow grace, to the sound of a gamelan orchestra.

Wailing and at times almost orgasmic singing fill the air while Javanese dancers sway, wrists bent back and fingers extended in stylised poses.

Political and business figures from across Indonesia attended and the Kraton's grounds were bursting with flowerbeds and decorations.

But most of the flowers and many of the trees had disappeared the next morning, exposing grey sand beneath.

"It was all donation, all the decorations were donated by our relatives who wanted the Kraton to look good," Princess Martiyah says.

Staging the wedding was expensive, she repeats. Asked about the Kraton's finances, the princess replies: "Are we going to collapse, is that what you mean?

"We are still able to perform the ritual and ceremony completely. We don't know what will happen in another 10 years, whether there would still be people who would work for and be loyal to the Kraton."


아름다운 비단옷을 입은 공주가 장미와 재스민으로 장식된 꽃줄로 장식된 거대한 유리 새장에 기대어 20명의 신하들에 의해 높이 운반되었습니다. 말을 타고 맨가슴을 드러낸 그녀의 신랑이 마칭 밴드와 한때 전능했던 솔로 술탄의 오합지졸 부대의 호위를 받으며 앉아 있습니다. 깃발이 흔들리고 트럼펫이 울려 퍼지는 가운데, 결혼식 행렬은 인도네시아의 문화적, 정신적, 정치적 삶의 정점에 자리잡은 왕족의 본거지인 솔로 크라톤(궁)의 크고 흰 벽 주위를 돌며 진행됩니다. 솔로의 신성한 왕조는 인도네시아의 식민 통치, 독립 투쟁 및 최근 정치에서 핵심적인 역할을 해왔습니다. 식민지 네덜란드에 의해 조종당하고, 영적 권력을 강화하기 위해 술탄의 신성한 유물 몇 개를 빼앗은 수하르토 대통령의 책략에 압도된 솔로의 궁정은 두 왕세자 사이의 쓰라린 계승 전쟁으로 찢겨진 어려운 시기를 맞이했습니다.
새로운 술탄의 큰 딸의 이번 결혼식은 인도네시아의 문화 중심지인 솔로가 지난 10년 동안 보았던 가장 성대한 행사이며, 궁전은 내부 갈등으로 고통받는 대중에게 영감을 줄 수 있기를 바라고 있습니다.
수천 년의 권력, 문화, 전통이 전시되어 있지만 황금빛 외관 뒤에는 현대화되는 땅에서 생존과 타당성을 위해 싸우는 고대 궁정이 있습니다.
크라톤을 운영하는 왕족인 코스 마르티야 공주는 처음으로 13대 술탄 파쿠 부워노 항가베히의 왕위 계승을 뒤집으려는 큰 누나 라투 알리트 공주가 이끄는 라이벌 가문에 반대하는 목소리를 냈습니다.
한가베히의 열악한 교육 수준과 플레이보이의 평판을 비웃는 경쟁자들은 그의 이복형인 육군 장교 테조워란 왕자가 적법한 후계자라고 주장합니다.
왕의 누이인 Martiyah는 The Age에 라이벌들이 가족에서 추방될 것이며 Tedjowoelan은 결코 Kraton의 신성한 땅에 묻히지 않을 것이라고 말했습니다.

한 달 전, Tedjowoelan과 수백 명의 지지자들이 Hangabehi의 대관식 기념일에 Kraton을 습격했습니다.

고대 티크재 문을 강제로 연 후 트럭 한 대 분량의 지역 경찰이 문을 제지했습니다. 평소 조용하고 평온한 모습을 보여주던 로열스는 밀치고 침을 뱉기 시작했습니다.

Tedjowoelan은 "고군분투를 포기하지 않을 것입니다. 대통령은 국민에 의해 선출되었고 저는 대가족에 의해 선출되었습니다. 12일 Paku Buwono의 자녀 35명 중 24명의 자녀가 저를 지지했습니다. 민주주의는 솔로 크라톤(Kraton of Solo)에 들어갔습니다. 우리는 그것을 받아들여야 합니다. "8월 29일 일어난 일은 한가베히에게 교훈일 뿐입니다. 나는 그에게 사람이 모든 것 위에 있지는 않다는 것을 말해주고 싶었습니다. 크라톤은 단지 기관일 뿐이며 중요한 것은 그것을 이끄는 사람입니다."
Martiyah는 Tedjowoelan의 이름을 노려봅니다. "왕이나 크라톤에 반항하는 자들은 처벌받아야 하며, 그들은 우리 가족에서 추방되어야 합니다. 테조워란과 나의 다른 친척들이 행한 일은 크라톤과 왕에 대한 범죄입니다."
왕자가 사과하지 않으면 "그는 가문에서 추방될 것이다. 그는 왕실 묘지에 묻히는 것조차 허용되지 않을 것이다."
솔로의 경찰서장은 8월 29일 Tedjowoelan이 7시간 동안 농성을 벌인 후 형제들 사이의 평화 회담을 주재했습니다.
한가베히는 형에게 퇴학을 집행하기 전에 자신의 "실수"를 숙고할 수 있는 1년의 시간을 주었습니다.
Tedjowoelan은 두 사람의 45분간의 대화가 아무런 결론에 이르지 못했다고 말했습니다.

"나는 그에게 크라톤이 현대 세계에 직면하기 위해 필요한 것이 무엇인지 설명했습니다. 그는 언제든지 그를 만날 수 있다고 말했지만 현실은 다릅니다. 그의 지지자들, 자매들은 내가 그에게 영향을 미칠까 두려워 내가 그를 보지 못하도록 매우 열심히 노력합니다. 왕위를 내놔라."

Hangabehi는 물질적, 정신적, 정신적 힘이 부족하며 "Kraton 왕으로서 미래의 도전에 대처할 능력이 없습니다"라고 Tedjowoelan은 말합니다. 역사학 교수인 조코 수료(Djoko Suryo)는 이 갈등의 원인이 고 술탄에게 "아내는 많았지만 영부인은 없었다"는 사실 때문이라고 설명합니다. Hangabehi는 장남이지만 그의 아버지는 후계자를 지명하지 않았으며 그의 여섯 아내 중 누구도 자신이 가장 좋아하는 사람으로 지명하지 않았으며 Solo의 교육받은 비즈니스 엘리트 중 다수는 더 현대적인 Tedjowoelan을 선호합니다.

솔로의 신왕은 전통적으로 이 땅에서 가장 강력한 존재이며, 교회가 도착하기 이전부터 영적인 혈통을 이어왔습니다. 왕족은 우상 숭배를 금지하는 무슬림이지만 공주는 "이것이 자바다"라고 말하며 영적인 힘은 크라톤에서 나온다.

물리적 세계의 세 아내 외에도 술탄은 바다의 영혼 여왕과 약혼했으며 매년 크라톤 내부의 높은 흰색 탑에 올라 개인 침실에서 그녀의 필요를 충족시킵니다.

30년 넘게 인도네시아를 철권통치한 수하르토는 솔로의 술탄이 지닌 신비한 힘을 탐했다. 그는 심지어 왕실의 변두리 사람들과 결혼하기도 했습니다.

"그는 영적인 힘을 위해 11개의 가보를 빌렸습니다"라고 Martiyah는 말합니다. 하지만 아버지는 수하르토에게 해준 일에도 불구하고 그와 동등한 대우를 받지 못해 실망했다”고 말했다.

조코는 인도네시아의 다른 주요 왕족인 이웃 족자카르타 술탄과 달리 솔로의 술탄은 지역으로 임명되지 않았다고 밝혔습니다.
