
SBJ Media: Sports' cord-cutting blues

링마이벨 2023. 8. 30. 23:25

My DC home was out of power for around 32 hours over the weekend as a spate불쾌한일의  of violent storms hit my neighborhood. I posted video of the damage on my social feeds.

2023 cable numbers show deep subscriber cuts

The cord-cutting trend appears to be speeding up this year, as every cable channel that carries lives sports has suffered significant subscriber drops since the beginning of 2023, according to Nielsen’s most recent estimates. Overall, the total multichannel audience, which includes cable, satellite and vMVPD, has dropped by more than 3.1 million subscribers in the past eight months. In January, that figure was at 78.889 million homes; as of August, its distribution is at 75.783 million homes. A couple of stats to highlight:

코드커팅 트렌드는 올해더욱더 가속화 되고 있고, 닐슨의 최근 통계를 보면 스포츠라이브를 하는 모든 케이블 채널은 2023년초부터 심각한 가입자 감소를 겪고 있다. 케이블을 포함한 위성, vMVPD모든 멀티채널 오디언스들은지난 8개월동안 3.1백만이상이 감소했다. 1월에 그 숫자는 7천8백만 가구였고 8월에는 가구수는 7천5백만이다. 

  • July marked the first month that FS1 posted a higher subscriber figure than ESPN. According to Nielsen, FS1 is in 71.375 million homes, and ESPN is in 71.321 million homes. In this most recent report, FS1 claimed more subscribers than Fox News, which is in 71.224 million homes. 월은 FS1이 ESPN보다 높은 가입자 수를 기록한 첫 번째 달이었습니다. 닐슨에 따르면 FS1 가입자는 7137만5000가구이고, ESPN은 7132만1000가구다.  가장 최근 보고서에서 FS1은 7,122만 4천 가구에 달하는 Fox News보다 더 많은 가입자를 확보했다고 주장했습니다.
  • The Warner Bros. Discovery networks had the biggest declines. For example, truTV, which carries March Madness games every year, has lost 4.639 million subscribers since the beginning of 2023. Similarly, TNT is down 3.083 million subscribers since January, and TBS is down 3.067 million. Warner Bros. Discovery 네트워크는 가장 큰 하락세를 보였습니다. 예를 들어 매년 마치 매드니스(March Madness) 게임을 방영하는 truTV는 2023년 초부터 가입자가 463만9000명 감소했다. 마찬가지로 TNT는 1월 이후 가입자가 308만3000명, TBS도 3067만명이 감소했다.
  • League-owned networks have not dropped as many subscribers this year. But distribution for NFL Network, MLB Network and NBA TV falls well short of bigger networks. Whereas FS1 and ESPN are in more than 71 million homes, NFL Network is in 51 million, MLB Network is in 41 million and NBATV is in 38 million homes. 리그 소유권을 가진  네트워크는 올해 가입자 수가 줄지는 않았습니다. 그러나 NFL 네트워크, MLB 네트워크 및 NBA TV의 배포는 더 큰 네트워크에 비해 훨씬 부족합니다. FS1과 ESPN은 7,100만 가구에 있고, NFL 네트워크는 5,100만 가구, MLB 네트워크는 4,100만 가구, NBATV는 3,800만 가구에 있습니다.

F1 races showing slight viewer drop

A lot of ink has been spilled on F1 over the past couple of years. If it’s not the success of the Netflix “Drive to Survive” series, it’s the A-listers descending on Miami and other markets to catch races. I asked SBJ’s Austin Karp to check in on viewership so far this year, and he found that the Miami GP race is mainly responsible for an overall 5% viewership decline across ABC, ESPN and ESPN2. The second year of that Miami race posted a whopping 24% viewership drop back in early May and is the main reason why ESPN’s networks are averaging 1.23 million viewers so far this season, down from last year’s 1.3 million viewers. Ten races remain on this year’s schedule.

The good news for ESPN: F1 has had three of its five largest race audiences this year, led by Miami. All but two races have averaged over 1 million viewers this season. 지난 몇 년 동안 F1에 많은 돈들을 쏟았습니다.  Netflix의 "Drive to Survive" 시리즈의 성공이 아니었다면,  A-listers는 마이에이에서 하락했을 것이고 시장은 다른 경주대회를 잡을려고 했을 것이다. SBJ의 Austin Karp에게 물어 올해 현재까지의 시청률을 확인해 달라고 요청한 결과 마이애미 GP 경주가 주로 ABC, ESPN, ESPN2 전반에 걸쳐 전체 5%의 시청률 감소에 영향을 미친다는 사실을 발견했습니다. 마이애미 경주의 2년차는 5월 초 시청률이 무려 24%나 감소했으며 이는 ESPN 네트워크의 이번 시즌 평균 시청자 수가 작년의 130만 명에서 현재까지 123만 명으로 감소한 주된 이유입니다. 올해 일정에는 10개의 경주가 남아있습니다. ESPN에 대한 희소식: F1은 올해 가장 큰 5개 경주 관중 중 3개를 마이애미를 중심으로 확보했습니다. 이번 시즌 두 경주를 제외하고 모두 평균 시청자 수가 100만 명을 넘었습니다.

Other highlights:

  • The British GP had its second-best audience (1.17 million on ESPN2).
  • The Austrian GP had its best U.S audience earlier this month (1.09 million viewers on ESPN).
  • ESPN2 debuted the “The Grandstand” alternate telecast with Daniel Ricciardo and Will Arnett during the Canada GP, drawing 114,000 viewers. Ricciardo was set to do two more shows, but he has returned to actual F1 racing for the back half of the season.

The power of live sports: Stop me if you’ve heard this before

No surprise, yet again, that sports events claimed TV’s three most-watched programs this month: Fox’s MLB All-Star Game; Fox’s FIFA Women’s World Cup match between the USWNT and the Netherlands; and ESPN’s Home Run Derby.

The primary entertainment competition were episodes of “America’s Got Talent” on NBC Tuesday nights, but none of those topped 6 million viewers on a live+same-day audience measurement. 스포츠 이벤트가 이번 달 TV에서 가장 많이 시청한 3개 프로그램인 Fox의 MLB 올스타 게임; USWNT와 네덜란드 간의 Fox의 FIFA 여자 월드컵 경기; 그리고 ESPN의 홈런 더비. 주요 엔터테인먼트 경쟁은 화요일 밤 NBC에서 방송된 'America's Got Talent'의 에피소드였지만, 라이브+당일 시청자 측정에서 그 중 시청자 수가 600만 명을 넘은 것은 없었습니다.


Speed reads

  • Based on overnights, Fox expects its Saturday night Yankees-O’s game to post between 2.3 and 2.6 million viewers and become one the most-watched MLB games on any network this season. To be fair, it was a regionalized window, with 67% of the country getting the O’s game. But it seems clear that my Orioles have become media darlings!Fox는 야간 기준으로 토요일 밤 Yankees-O의 경기가 230만~260만 명의 시청자를 기록하고 이번 시즌 모든 네트워크에서 가장 많이 시청된 MLB 게임 중 하나가 될 것으로 예상하고 있습니다. 공평하게 말하면, 전국의 67%가 O의 게임을 받는 지역화된 창이었습니다. 하지만 내 오리올스가 언론의 사랑을 받는 것은 분명한 것 같습니다!
  • The first piece of NASCAR’s media package has fallen into place with The CW surprisingly picking up rights to the racing circuit’s Xfinity Series, marking the broadcaster’s biggest move into sports media so far. I dug into what the deal means with SBJ motorsports writer Adam Stern. NASCAR 미디어 패키지의 첫 번째 부분은 The CW가 놀랍게도 레이싱 서킷의 Xfinity 시리즈에 대한 권리를 획득하면서 자리를 잡았으며, 이는 방송사가 지금까지 스포츠 미디어에 대한 가장 큰 움직임을 나타냈습니다. 나는 SBJ 모터스포츠 작가인 아담 스턴(Adam Stern)과 함께 이번 거래가 무엇을 의미하는지 자세히 알아봤습니다.
  • ESPN hired Good Karma Brands to take over the operations and sales of ESPN’s radio and podcast business. The arrangement comes as ESPN has de-emphasized its radio business amid larger cost-cutting moves that have resulted in several rounds of layoffs.ESPN은 ESPN의 라디오 및 팟캐스트 사업의 운영 및 판매를 인수하기 위해 Good Karma Brands를 고용했습니다. 이러한 합의는 ESPN이 대규모 비용 절감 조치로 인해 여러 차례 해고가 발생하는 가운데 라디오 사업을 덜 강조함에 따라 이루어졌습니다.
  • For Overtime Boxing, the goal is to not only air fights on DAZN around up-and-coming fighters but also shoot narrative storytelling and digital content around the athletes to get their awareness up among fans and the broader combat sports industry, reports SBJ's Adam Stern.오버타임 복싱의 목표는 DAZN에서 떠오르는 선수들을 중심으로 공중전을 벌일 뿐만 아니라 선수들을 중심으로 내러티브 스토리텔링과 디지털 콘텐츠를 촬영하여 팬과 더 넓은 전투 스포츠 산업 사이에서 선수들의 인지도를 높이는 것이라고 SBJ의 Adam Stern이 보고했습니다. .
  • MLB Network’s clip of Reds 1B Joey Votto’s rant about MLBN’s Chris Russo from Thursday’s “High Heat” program is the network’s second-most viewed Twitter video of the year and in the top five on Instagram, reports SBJ's Erik Bacharach.
  • Fox Bet is "shutting down," FanDuel owner Flutter Entertainment and Fox Corp. announced Monday. Axios notes Fox "launched the sports betting platform in 2019 with The Stars Group, which was acquired by Dublin-based Flutter in 2020." Flutter CEO Peter Jackson "said on a March earnings call that Fox Bet and PokerStars contributed only 3% of U.S. revenue and 30% of losses."Fox Bet은 FanDuel 소유주인 Flutter Entertainment와 Fox Corp.가 월요일에 "폐쇄"한다고 발표했습니다. Axios는 Fox가 "2020년 더블린에 본사를 둔 Flutter가 인수한 The Stars Group과 함께 2019년에 스포츠 베팅 플랫폼을 출시했습니다"라고 말합니다. Flutter CEO인 Peter Jackson은 "3월 수익 결산에서 Fox Bet과 PokerStars가 미국 수익의 3%, 손실의 30%만을 기여했다고 밝혔습니다."
  • This week's SBJ editorial cartoon highlights the impact that Leo Messi is having on MLS Season Pass on Apple TV+.

