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A Complete Overview of Social Media Advertising

by 링마이벨 2020. 6. 12.

Social media = mass media = Personalized one 사용자는 수많은 알고리즘으로 최적화된 구성요소와 사용자가 이용했던 수많은 데이터와 소셜네트워크를 감지하는 수많은 동작을 제공합니다. 이러한 요소중 광고가 그 일부이고 사용자의 프로파일에 개인화되고 경험의 일부로 디자인될수 있다.

소셜애드버타이징이라는 것은 유용하고 재미있는 경험을 멤버들에게 제공해준다. 더구나 무료로 그리고 소셜미디어는 이러한 광고주에게 강력한 digital advertising을 제공해주고 사용자 데이타를 현금화 할수있는 social media platform을 제공해준다. 결국 광고는 배너의 형태로 게시물 또는 비디오의 형태로 구현하는 것이며 소셜미디어의 광고의 수익중 가장큰 혜택은 당신과 사용자간에 직접적인 관계를 설정하는 것이다.  

1. Audiences can be precisely targeted

Users enter their data into social platforms: names, photos, job titles, location, marital status, friends, and much more. 모든것이 소재가 될 수있구나! 인터넷의 모든 사진 , 친구들 모든것들 Social platforms monitor behavior and interest. This data enables advertisers to reach the right audience and create targeted ads for it. 이래서 타게팅이 중요하구나! If an advertiser has a well-defined target market,타겟을 명확히 이야기 할 수 있는 Definition이 정말로 중요하다라는 생각을 한다.  they can deliver it via social media advertising. Advertisers no longer target media channels, they target audiences via media platforms.

2. Social ads address “awareness”

The “hierarchy of effects” model, often used in marketing and advertising to describe the mental stages a user moves through before purchasing a product, contains three stages: 

  • Cognitive (awareness and knowledge)
  • Affective (liking and preference)
  • Conative (conviction and purchase)

Social media advertising is good at addressing the cognitive and affective stages. 타겟을 가장 드러내는 서술적 표현이 중요하다. This makes advertising on social media complementary to direct mail, search marketing, or retail media, which have their strengths at the conative stage.

3. Everything is measurable 모든것이 측정가능한 것으로 

Every social media ad impression leaves a digital trace. 모든 소셜미디어는 디지털 흔적을 가지고 있다. Every click can be tracked. User characteristics and user behavior can be related to each instance of advertising within a social platform. 결국은 데이타는 흔적을 가지고 있다. So much data exists that it becomes challenging to figure out what is significant and what isn't. Once advertisers choose the right social media metrics, however, this data will be easy to track and optimize via the social platforms.

4. Social advertising is scalable

Social media advertising costs for a campaign can start as low as $10, and the advertiser has control over timespan, targeting and creative. It can also cost $10 million and cover the globe. Between the two, advertisers have ample room to test, learn and adjust. 전략을 강화하고 그들이 가장 좋아하는 social media management 툴을 통하여 구현된다. Marketers, mainly using social media advertising to boost and enhance their content strategy, can monitor and manage it directly through their favorite social media management tool.

5. Social ads can trigger actions ads의 가장 직접적인 목적이다. 

Whereas social media advertising is often used for building awareness, it can also trigger actions. 행동을 유발한다. It generates likes and follows, and can also generate clicks to your website and create leads for your sales and marketing teams. There is even a rising social commerce trend, where social media advertising feeds directly into the conative stage: users can buy products directly on social media.

The 5 best social media platforms to advertise your small business

The Facebook Ads platform is dedicated to social media advertising, and the Google Ads platform also spans other forms of digital advertising. We will focus on the social media advertising aspects of seven digital advertising platforms.

Platform 1: Facebook Ads: Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Messenger 페이스북, 인스타그램 whatapp, 메신저프로그램 

Facebook controls the most powerful advertising platform in the world, as it combines Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Messenger together on the same infrastructure. 똑같은 구조를 가진 메신저, 인스타, 페이스북을 연결하는 가장 큰 광고 플랫폼이 바로 페이스북인것이다. Most advertisers, however, will consider Facebook and Instagram to be two advertising platforms, and WhatsApp and Messenger to be additional features.

Characteristics of the Facebook ads platform:

  • Massive reach
  • Very powerful targeting
  • Innovative and adaptive ad formats
  • Machine learning used to improve performance
  • Most controversial use of user data

Facebook Ads by, itself, is probably the strongest social ads platform and is now also the backbone for advertising on Instagram. Depending on your campaign objective, the platform can activate one or more of its advertising channels.

Platform 2: LinkedIn Ads

The LinkedIn advertising platform stands out for its strong business focus. It’s increasingly integrating with the Microsoft Advertising platform and has access to a powerful technological backbone in its mother company, Microsoft. Characteristics of LinkedIn Ads:

  • Clear business focus
  • Strong targeting of professional audiences
  • Maturing platform
  • Reputation for high cost

Platform 3: Twitter Ads

The Twitter advertising platform is not as powerful as the two above platforms, but Twitter has an interesting positioning as a great add-on for other social networks. The quality of its user data is not as good as the other platforms, but it is strong on topical and thematic targeting and for events. Characteristics of the Twitter ad platform:

  • Lower volumes
  • Strong topical targeting
  • Specific communities and events
  • Reputation for low costs
  • Complementary to business activity on Twitter

Platform 4: Google Ads: YouTube and Google My Business

Google never created its own social network despite the efforts put into Google Plus and other initiatives. However, many consider YouTube to be a social media platform and the more recent Google My Business platform also has some social media resemblance.

Characteristics of the social media dimension of Google Ads (YouTube and Google My Business):

  • Massive video reach on YouTube
  • Low cost per view on YouTube and innovative ad formats
  • Strong integration with the Google advertising technology stack
  • Effective social-local advertising on Google My Business

Emerging platforms: Pinterest, TikTok, Snapchat

Social ads are a world of opportunity

Social media advertising is a mass media that can entertain, influence and seduce its audiences. Social media platforms provide powerful targeting capabilities and innovative ad formats. Advertisers can start small and scale infinitely, but need to be very clear about their objectives, to reap the benefits of social ads. Finding the right social network and reaching the right audience can be challenging, but the opportunity is huge and the benefits can be significant.

