- 주주구성 방시혁 31.8% , 넷마블 18.21%, 국민연금공단 7.57%, 두나무 5.57%, 하나의 커다란 방송국 구조를 가지고 있다.
* 자비스앤빌런스
HYBE is an entertainment company that includes three divisions: Hybe Labels, Hybe Solutions, Hybe Platforms. Each division has subsidiaries that are either fully or partially owned by the parent corporation. HYBE has six major subsidiaries and over a dozen major acts.
HYBE's services include:
- Music production
- Album distribution
- Entertainers management
- Publishing
- New artist development
- Artist management solutions
- Planning
- Training
- Television shows
HYBE's corporate governance includes:
- Bang Si-Hyuk: 31.8%
- Netmarble: 18.2%
- The National Pension Service of Korea: 7.6%
- Dunamu Inc.: 5.6%
- Others: 3.5%
- Other minority shareholders: 33.3%
HYBE was previously known as Big Hit Entertainment. In 2021, the company rebranded and partnered with Scooter Braun, an American music manager.

하이브는 2022년 연결 기준 1조 7,780억 원의 매출액에 2,377억 원의 영업이익을 달성했다. 매출액은 전년 대비 42% 성장했으며, 영업이익은 25% 상승했다. 지난 3년간의 연평균 매출액 성장률은 49.4%, 영업이익 성장률은 27.8%를 각각 기록했다.