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Corona 19 동안에 5가구중 1가구가 식료품 가게 구매를 바꾸었다.

by 링마이벨 2020. 5. 16.

Key insight:

During these turbulent times, 20% of shoppers have left their primary grocery store in favor of another, according to new survey data from McKinsey & Co. Not only that, but 37% of those who’ve made the switch expect to remain loyal to the new retailer after the crisis ends. The main reasons people stopped shopping at their primary grocer were constant problems with keeping the shelves full and better ecommerce offerings elsewhere. Another contributing factor was that consumers opted to rely on a store that was located closer to their home or place of work.

e-commerce나 배달체계 편의성으로 확장성이 없으면 식료품가게마저도 위협의 영역에 들어오게 된 것이다. 만약 판데믹이 끝나는 시점에 구매연결고리는 아주 끊어질 것이기 때문이다. 

